
The history of the formation of a special autonomy in Papua

  From the start, the founding fathers had firmly stated that Papua was an integrated area with the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. Rear Admiral Freddy Numberi revealed that the first Vice President of the Republic of Indonesia, Drs. Moh. Hatta at the BPUPKI session on May 29, 1945 - August 19, 1945. (Please read: Papua Ab Initio Belongs to Indonesia )   It is said that Moh. Hatta preferred West Irian (before becoming Papua) to determine its own destiny due to ethnic differences. He added that if at that time the state tried hard to enforce the Red and White flag on the land of Papua, the international community would see that Indonesia wanted to rule over Papua. Although the statements made by him were not as firm as Ir. Soekarno, Moh Hatta continued to try to defend Papua through the negotiating table by means of compromising conflict resolution.   At the same time, the Netherlands was experiencing a difficult time because the Netherlands had lost a lot of ter